How to make Fried Rice Noodle (Bihun Goreng) *Vegetarian/Vegan tasty

Fried Rice Noodle (Bihun Goreng) *Vegetarian/Vegan - It turned out very good but i think i could have cooked it a little longer.. Today I am sharing this Fried Rice Noodle (Bihun Goreng) *Vegetarian/Vegan! A quick and easy dinner that is ready in under 20 minutes!

Fried Rice Noodle (Bihun Goreng) *Vegetarian/Vegan

You can cook Fried Rice Noodle (Bihun Goreng) *Vegetarian/Vegan with 11 Ingredients and 8 steps. See the following guide!

Ingredients for Fried Rice Noodle (Bihun Goreng) *Vegetarian/Vegan:

  1. 200 gr rice noodle.
  2. 4 garlic cloves.
  3. 1 red onions.
  4. 3 carrots.
  5. 2 spring onions.
  6. 200 gr cabbage.
  7. 2 eggs (optional).
  8. 1 tsp salt.
  9. 1 tsp pepper.
  10. 2 tbsp cooking oil.
  11. Hot water to soak rice noodle.

Step by step how to cook Fried Rice Noodle (Bihun Goreng) *Vegetarian/Vegan:

  1. Soak rice noodle with hot water for 3-5 mins, drain the water, put aside..
  2. Grate carrots, chop spring onions, and cabbage, put aside..
  3. Mash red onion and garlic, pit it aside..
  4. Pre-heat sauce pan, pour cooking oil, put mashed onion and garlic in, stir them until the aroma comes out..
  5. Push the onion and garlic to the side, crack eggs in the other side of sauce pan, scramble it until its cooked, and mix it with onion and garlic together..
  6. Add grated carrot, chopped cabbage, and spring onion, mix it well, wait until they are cooked well, add salt and pepper, mix well..
  7. Add rice noodle gradually, mix it with 2 forks until blends and mixed peoperly, taste it before turning off the fire..
  8. Enjoy while hot :D.