How to cook Lebanese Style Green Peas with Tomato Sauce (Bazalla) delicious

Lebanese Style Green Peas with Tomato Sauce (Bazalla) - It was delicious !!!!! Easy to make and a crowd pleaser !!!. Today I am sharing this Lebanese Style Green Peas with Tomato Sauce (Bazalla)! A quick and easy dinner that is ready in under 15 minutes!

Lebanese Style Green Peas with Tomato Sauce (Bazalla)

You can cook Lebanese Style Green Peas with Tomato Sauce (Bazalla) with 10 Ingredients and 6 steps. See the following guide!

Ingredients for Lebanese Style Green Peas with Tomato Sauce (Bazalla):

  1. 1 kg green peas (frozen one is easier to use).
  2. 7 carrots.
  3. 1 brown onion.
  4. 2 garlic cloves.
  5. 1/2 kg mince beef.
  6. 2 tbsp tomato paste (or 5 tomatoes, juice them with a blender).
  7. 4 cups water.
  8. 2 tsp salt.
  9. 3 tbsp chopped coriander.
  10. 6 tbsp cooking oil.

Step by step how to cook Lebanese Style Green Peas with Tomato Sauce (Bazalla):

  1. Cut up the carrots, chop brown onion and garlics..
  2. Pre-heat saute pan with 3 tbsp of cooking oil, add chopped brown onion, stir it until it turns a bit golden, add mince beef, stir it and wait until the beef cooks well..
  3. Pre-heat 3 other tbsp of cooking oil in a big pot, add garlic and chopped coriander, stir until it turns a bit golden, add coked mince beef, carrots, and green peas, mix well..
  4. Add water, tomato paste or tomato juice, and salt, mix well, wait until the water reduces..
  5. (If you use dry peas, soak them with hot water over night and boil them until they are soft, but it doesnt apply for the frozen ones).
  6. Enjoy with rice or bread..